
Dr. S. Jonas, DC

…Your orthotic has enabled me to give results to my patients they could have never realized previously. Specifically the Soft Step Orthotic, which neutralizes most postural abnormalities and balances the hips knees pelvis and spine to a proper biomechanical position…

M. Callahan

…Thank you for your great product and your sales ability. It is very tough, I am sure, to make people like me convinced to change their ways and try your product. I am glad you did because I am much happier today because of you…

F. Casey

…Today, wearing the supports in my work shoes every day since I bought them, the bunion is gone and the hammertoe is much improved. A pain in the other knee, which had been diagnosed as mild arthritis, no longer troubles me as long as I wear the supports…

C. Crowley

…I have never been able to walk without leaning to the right since my back injury in 1991. I stand tall. I feel like a new person. Purchasing and wearing these orthotics has made an amazing change in my life and definitely improved my quality of life. Today I tell everyone everywhere I go about these wonderful Step Forward Orthotics…

F. Teters

…I’ve got to tell you that these supports are far superior to the supports that were supposedly “tailor-made” to fit me from my foot mold that was made…

M. Torres, LMT

…I used to not be able to walk bare footed for even a few minutes, and walking up and down stairs was the worst discomfort. I was introduced to my freedom at a nurses convention when I decided to invest in the foot correctors…

G. Koshay-Bradford, RDHAP

…The first time I put pressure on a Step Forward orthotic, I got INSTANT relief from my foot pain. Within the first two hours of wearing it, it was comfortable to my foot. Now I am also noticing my back pain is beginning to decrease…

H. McVay

…Since I started using your product, my knee problems have all but vanished. My back problems are less apparent than they have been in years and my posture has improved tenfold. I am able to hike and enjoy the physical activities that were causing me pain in the past. Your inserts fit into any shoe and nobody knows that your wearing them…

B. McMenemin

…I attribute this improvement to the orthotics which are slowly realigning my spine and trunk from the ground up. I feel and look straighter when I stand and my feet feel more solid on the ground…

Dr. M. Sansone, DC

…I would like to report my personal and professional satisfaction with the Alzner Foot Support. I find it to be superior to all others I have tested…

Dr. G. J. Barney, DC

…I trust these products so much that every new patient that walks through my door and accepts corrective care is fitted for Shane’s STEP FORWARD orthotics…

R. Simans

…Not only do my feet always feel comfortable no matter what shoes I am wearing, but my back pain is nearly completely resolved and I feel so much better that I am now able to run several times a week with no foot or back discomfort whatsoever…

Dr Odette Reader, Chiropractor, Salisbury SA, Australia

I am even more impressed with the Step Forward orthotics because I have had knee surgery, some 35 years ago, and then hurt my knee in the snow in Canada last Xmas. I had constant ‘bone pain’ knee pain with a severe limp for 6 months even with chiropractic management (my chiropractor is a trained and qualified sports chiropractor). Nevertheless the knee pain was so intense of a non-stop nagging pain that both my chiropractor and myself were looking at possible surgical intervention. It was at the Congress in June 2005 that I put in the orthotics (in my normal pair Spanish leather fitted shoes) and within minutes the knee pain stopped for the first time in 6 months. Maybe now you can see how pleased and convinced I am about the orthotics and the management of knee pain!
I have worn podiatric orthotics supplied by a variety of podiatrists in Canada and Australia for almost 40 years. They were prescribed for me due to muscle cramping when I was competitive swimming and weight lifting. I have found that I would de-compensate after some months of wear and developed persistent low back pain and headaches. I would need to take them out until the foot pain (plantar fasciitis) or back pain (scoliosis) became worse and then a new pair of orthotics would relieve this pain for months. This cycle has continued for all these years. My brother-in-law is a podiatrist! I still like your products better!! User friendly, practical and functional (no gross matronly shoes!).

G. Bloch

…before I met you, two different surgeons were proposing surgery to correct my painful foot problems. The supports have precluded that, and I have had no problems since buying them…

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